How To Install Zabbix on Slackware
zabbix is monitoring that can monitor network, database, memory usage, and cpu usage
- Mysql
- Http / apache
1.Create the zabbix user and group
bash-4.3# groupadd -g 228 zabbix bash-4.3# useradd -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -u 228 -g 228 zabbix
2.Install dependencies via
3.Create the MySQL database
mysql> create database zabbix character set utf8; mysql> use mysql; mysql> grant all on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by '<password>'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit
4. Import database
bash-4.3# cd /usr/share/zabbix_server/create bash-4.3# mysql -u zabbix -p <zabbix_password> mysql> use zabbix; mysql> source schema/mysql.sql; mysql> source data/data.sql; mysql> source data/images_mysql.sql; mysql> quit
5.Configurasi PHP
a) Zabbix requires some parameters in /etc/httpd/php.ini to be alter
post_max_size = 16M (Default = 8M) max_execution_time = 300 (Default = 30) max_input_time = 300 (Default = 60) date.timezone = America/Chicago (Default = blank) ***NOTE*** the ";" in front of date.timezone MUST be removed
b) Enable PHP in bash-4.3# vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
- ADD: index.php to the “DirectoryIndex index.html” line.
- UNCOMMENT: “Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf” line.
c) Restart your apachebash-4.3# /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd restart
6. Edit the zabbix_server configuration => /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
DBUser=zabbix (Default is "root" and it's not a good idea) DBPassword=<zabbix_password> (Change as defined above)
7. Make /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_server executable
bash-4.3# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_server
8. Start zabbix server
bash-4.3# /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_server star
9. Access zabbix via your browser http://localhost
USER: Admin PASS: zabbix